Wednesday, November 26, 2008


We're one piece of paper away from finding out if Phil has earned his Master's degree. We just found out today that his portfolio he presented reflecting on all the outcomes of the course was accepted. We are now just waiting for the letter saying he's passed his comps. Keeping our fingers crossed that letter comes in the mail today.


IdleMindOfBeth said...

here from ICLW, and just said a prayer that you get your much awaited and sought after piece of paper, ASAP!

alicia said...

ohh how exciting! i hope you get that letter today with some awesome news!

here from iclw

Erin said...

Oh gosh! I hated waiting for my pass letter on my comps. Wishing you and Phil all the best!


Stacie said...

Good luck! What a huge accomplishmet! COngrats!


Unknown said...

Oh fingers crossed! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and happy Masters! :)