This is an update of all the fun and humorous adventures of Phil, Stephanie, Kayla, Logan and Alex (and all their animal pets) to share with family and friends who aren't near by and those that are. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I asked Alex on the way home from the ballgame tonight if I was cool. He then told me that girls don't wear cool shirts they were cootie shirts.
Phil and I met 19 years ago when we both worked at an ice cream parlour in Jackson, Michigan. Phil had to bring his youngest brother with him to ask me out. Phil and I have now been married over 15 years. We got married on the same day as my grandparents and great grandparents so we know our marriage will last forever. We have three wonderful kids. Kayla is 12 and is busy as ever with Thai Boxing, girl scouts, and entering 7th grade. Logan is 7 and loves playing baseball and is now in First Grade. Alex is 5 and full of energy and now loves to play baseball too. Alex is loving being in Kindergarten! Phil recently completed his Masters program and now has time for coaching and cub scouts.
1 comment:
Boys! How funny!
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