Thursday, May 24, 2007

Shaving Cream, Girls Clothes, Jewelry and Makeup

We officially have some great blackmail photos of Logan for when he starts dating (years and years and years from now). On Saturday while I was busy scrap booking photos for Kayla's Girl Scout troop Kayla and Logan were playing with some shaving cream. It started out with innocent fun -- making designs in the shaving cream on the flatted out garbage bag. In the end Kayla put shaving cream all over Logan (sans clothing) and wrote property of Kayla on his back. I can't post the pictures here but if you email me I'd be happy to share them.

Of course the day was not yet complete. Kayla did more things to Logan which resulted in more blackmail photos. Phil and I are sitting out on the grass taking a break and out comes Logan and Kayla. Logan is wearing a girls halter top that looks like a dress, along with jewelry and makeup (don't forget the toes being painted). That photo is here. Enjoy!

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