Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Beginning of the End and the Start of the New

Today symbolizes the beginning of the end of one phase of Kayla's life (the end of elementary school) and the start of a new phase(MIDDLE SCHOOL!). Today during the day Kayla and the rest of her 5th grade class came to Osborne Middle for their "tour" of the school and to learn about some of the things that they can expect this upcoming year. Of course she already knows her way around the school since she starts and ends her day everyday with her Dad but she did learn somethings about the classes and class schedules.

Then tonight was the last of her Chorus concerts. It was a beautiful concert and we really enjoyed it. But this is also the last concert that she will have as an elementary student. I was a little teary eyed as I watched her sing realizing that she isn't a little girl anymore and that she is growing up into a beautiful young lady. We're very proud of her.

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