Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Things We Must Do For School

Today was Logan's well check up(for age 5) and appointment to get the necessary paperwork for him to start Pre-K (a Georgia funded program for all 4 year olds and those not 5 by 9/1). What started out as a normal day had some kinks in it. Logan's appointment was at 9:30 this morning but while he (and Phil and Kayla and Alex) was waiting his turn everyone had to evacuate the building because of a gas leak.

Approximately two hours later he finally was able to reenter the building and be seen. Unfortunately that resulted in 4 shots (as is necessary at 5 years). He was a brave boy throughout the whole process. He's know 41 inches tall and 36 1/4 pounds. Way to go Logan - no more shots until you're 16!

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