Monday, June 1, 2009

The Bridging Ceremony

I've been so busy I haven't been able to update everyone on the events going on down here. By the time I have time to sit it's after 10 most nights it seems. Earlier in May the troop held it's Court of Awards and Bridging Ceremony.

We shared the experience with our Sister Troop (Brownies) 1966 and helped them bridge to Juniors as our girls bridged to Cadettes. In addition ALL of the girls in our troop earned their Bronze Award (highest award in Junior scouting) and I know everyone was proud. These are a few photos from that night.

This is the back of Kayla's Junior vest - no more room.

For a brief moment both troops were Junior troops. :)

Kayla starting to bride from Juniors to Cadettes.

Kayla receiving her Cadette vest.

What a perfect ending to the night but with a Girl Scout Friendship Circle.

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